We have a new email address! Please make a note of this for your records: michssamt@gmail.com
Our state journal "The Microbe" went to an electronic journal beginning with the Spring 2010 issue. At present, we are continuing to publish a printed journal also for those who request a hard copy.
New members will receive a printed Microbe when they first join MSSAMT, afterwards each member must notify our Editor if they wish to receive a hard copy of the Journal in the mail. Otherwise, you will receive a postcard notice in the mail announcing the latest copy of the journal when it is posted on the MSSAMT website. All Members will also receive notification via email blast sent out upon publication of the Microbe. If you wish to continue to receive a printed journal in the mail email our Editor at:
with the subject titled "HARD COPY JOURNAL". Or, fill out the form below and please make sure to include your member number.